With the permission of our respected Chief Patron, Sri V.S. Kuber, Chairman DR. B R Ambedkar Institute of Nursing & Prof. Sheela A.J. Williams, Principal, DR. B R Ambedkar Institute of Nursing.
Students of IV year, III year and II year BSc. Nursing were selected to cater for National Pulse Polio Program 2022.
Total demand from Sultan Palya UPHC (25), KG Halli CHC (116) and KG Halli BBMP UPHC (82).
Training on Pulse Polio Program was conducted by Dr Divya Medical Officer & Team and supporting staff of respective Health centers at Dr B R Ambedkar institute of Nursing 3 days prior to the program.
27/02/22 Sunday was booth day. Each booth constitutes four trained students or Health staff with a setup of vaccine carrier, report forms and stationary.
Our students were posted in and around 70 booths and 5 mobile teams for vaccination.
28/02/22 to 2/3/22, house to house visit program in which in batch of 4 volunteers were given in an average 150 houses to complete per day.
Total of 19,600 houses were covered by our students.
Our students vaccinated 22,000 under five children around the area of K G Halli and Sultan Palya respectively.
The volunteer service of students was appreciated by medical officers of respective UPHC and CHC and the public.